Tuesday, September 27, 2011

comfort food

There are many things that we could describe as comfort food.  In our house, potato & cheese pierogis is one of them.  My husband is Polish, and his mother Sophie used to make hers plain boiled with some melted butter on the side. 

I, on the other hand like to sauté a bunch of sliced onions, in butter.  Today I added a small head of sliced cabbage to the onions, and just let it cook while the water was waiting to boil...

The pierogis only take about 2 minutes to boil because they are fresh.  I then drain them out and nestle them into the cabbage and onion mixture for another minute or two...

And there you have it.  Just serve with some sour cream and you have an instant comfort food dinner. 
y u m m y...

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